Subject: culture

The power of a warm welcome

When Dawn Lameman explored her heritage, she rediscovered a sense of belonging

5 common dining etiquette mistakes

Guys, we're looking at you. But there's help

A formal dining guide for the informal diner

Never again wonder which fork to use first

The art of the secret social job search

How to explore your options without raising suspicions

How to write a winning cover letter

It's still an industry standard - and it's not hard to do

Relief for the high cost of living in Northern Canada

How a NAIT staffer is leading a project to support Ulukhaktok, where milk costs $10 a gallon

How Raven Hockey reinvented the junior stick

Dan Pilling and his business partners took a shot at a minor hockey market gap - and scored

12 unique and useful gifts made by NAIT grads

Need something special? Here's your list

Mysteries of the aurora revealed

Joan Marie Galat's new book explores a natural phenomenon that has intrigued cultures for millenia

NAIT custom emojis available for download

Showing your NAIT pride online has never been easier

How Marni Panas helped make history for gender identity and expression in Alberta

The transgender woman has embraced who she always was - and helped open the door for others to do the same.

How diversity makes a difference in the workplace

JR Shaw School of Business dean Tracey Scarlett on the persisting need for inclusivity and equality