Subject: diy

Cybersecurity instructor shares public Wi-Fi safety tips on 630 CHED

Hosts Daryl McIntyre and Stacey Brotzel get the facts from NAIT’s John Zabiuk

9 tips for entertaining during the holidays

From traditional to unconventional, expert advice to make the season bright

How to budget for and during the Christmas holiday season

Avoid the holiday spending hangover

How to pick a real Christmas tree and keep it alive

Simple but essential tips from a NAIT Forest Technology expert

4 shopping tips for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Shop smart and stay in the black

How toilets saved humanity (and how we can actually improve upon that)

Celebrating the unsung hero of our home mechanical systems

Recipe: Southwest Pumpkin Soup

Save your pumpkin pieces for this savoury purée

5 tips for safer winter driving

How to deal with the cold reality of ‘seasonal amnesia’

Simple ways to keep your online network safe

And how to protect your data when away from home

5 unusual birds to watch for in fall around Edmonton (and how to help them migrate)

Migration season offers rare opportunities for birdwatchers

How password managers and multi-factor authentication make you safer online

NAIT IT expert sees tools as essential in ongoing battle against internet crime

How to look after yourself when facing disasters and emergencies

A guide to achieving “calm in the chaos”